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似影随身2019 2021-06-14 08:16

规格:15首 流派:古典 发布:2018-02-02 公司:Delphian Records

収録内容: 1 Os mutorum, lux cecorum [c. 1340, Inchcolm Antiphoner] 0:03:06 2 Loquebar de testimoniis tuis [Introit, mode 5, c. 965, Einsiedeln MS121] 0:03:09 3 River Erne 0:04:30 4 Adiutor laborantium [Alphabetic hymn, 13th Century, Lausanne] 0:03:26 5 Sanctorum piissime Columba [c. 1340, Inchcolm Antiphoner] 0:03:19 6 Psalm 146, "Lauda anima mea Dominum" [Alleluia, mode 8, c. 965, Einsiedeln MS 121] 0:01:43 7 Noli Pater 0:04:53 8 Carne solutus pater Columba [Antiphone with Psalm 100, c. 1340, Inchcolm Antiphoner] 0:04:41 9 Amen dico vobis [Communion, mode 1, c. 965, Einsiedeln MS 121] 0:03:23 10 Liberasti nos Domine [Gradual, mode 7; c. 924, St. Gallen MS 359] 0:03:24 11 Cantemus in omni die [Hymn, c. 1280s, Santiago di Compostela] 0:03:38 12 Altus prosator 0:25:05 13 Volens Ihesus linire [Office of St. Columba, c. 1340, Inchcolm Antiphoner] 0:03:49 14 Psalm 150, "Laudate Dominum" 0:03:30 15 The Desperate Battle of the Birds 0:04:30

赞美圣哥伦巴:凯尔特教堂的音乐世界 - 索尼精选「Hi-Res/FLAC/48kHz/24bit」.zip:


fzw999 2021-06-16 15:27

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